Permaculture Consultancy

About Permaculture Consultancy

About Permaculture Consultancy – The organisation is set out so potential clients can contact the company if they require permaculture design, implementation, maintenance or a specific skill set and those interested in working for the organisation can become a member to receive jobs in their preferred roles such as design consultant, earthworks director, or mentor/mentee.


About Permaculture Consultancy services

It is our experience that clients seeking Permaculture consultancy services have difficulty finding affordable, local, and skilled Permaculture consultants. Permaculture’s aim is to find the right Permaculture consultant that matches the clients geographic location and skills required for the job.

Permaculture services include:

Consultancy (Site analysis, problem solving, recommendation)

Design (handrawn or rendered graphic site plan and design)

Implementation works (Implementing designs or recomendations)

Maintenance (food production, water, soil/pasture)

Earthmoving (Dams, irrigation, swales, Keyline)

Additional Services (People with Specialist Skills related to Permaculture not mentioned above)


About Permaculture job recruitment services

We provide a job recruitment service for Permaculture professionals who may have trouble finding work in their location or a job that matches their skill set. Permaculture provides work for Permaculture consultants, designers, implementation and maintenance professionals, earthmovers, and those with other specialist skills (such as horticulture, surveying, and appropriate technology)

Those starting out in the field of Permaculture sometimes struggle to find effective work experience. Therefore we offer opportunitities in work experience and mentorship with Permaculture professionals, there is even an opportunities for mentors to offer their experience to mentees.

If you have any further enquires on getting any work done please enquire here.

If you would like any further information about us please contact Permaculture Consultancy Here.