Must read Permaculture books and films
- Bill Mollison (Permaculture manual, permaculture one)
- David Holmgren (Permaculture: principles and pathways beyonds sustainability)
- Sepp Holzer (Sepp Holzers permaculture)
- Masanobu Fukuoka (The one straw revolution, Sowing seeds in the desert, The natural way of farming)
- Christopher Alexander (A pattern Language)
- Michel and Jude Fanton (The seed savers handbook)
- Eric Toensmier (Perennial Vegetables)
- Joel Salatin
- Allan Savory (Wholistic managment: a new framework for decision making, with Jody Butterfield)
- Dave Jacke (Edible Forest Gardens-Dave Jacke with Eric Toensmier)
- Brad Lancaster (Rainwater harvesting)
- Yeoman (Water for every farm)
Appropriate technology and DIY
- Mike and Nancy Bubel (Root cellaring)
- Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson (Rocket mass heaters: super efficient woodstoves you can build)
- Richard D Bardgett (The biology of soil: A community and ecosystem approach)
- Nigel Dunnet (Planting green roofs and living walls, Raingardens)
- Judith Anger (Edible cities)